She said: I've been blessed by adoption, but still, I don't understand how a mother can give up her child. I could never do that.
I said: You could never do that? How do you know?
She said: Because! I love my kids far too much. I would never do that to them.
I said: Hmm... then surely you love your children too much to ever diminish their history or deny them access to their roots.
A mother as loving as you doesn't feel the need to compete with her kid's first family, change her child's name, or withhold any contact with their birth family.
And - hallelujah! - you're not one of those adoptive parents who tries to pretend that the life and development and attachment and love and leaving that happened before you is insignificant.
You love your children far too much to do that to them.
Whew! Good to know.
Click here to purchase Sally's adoption book, What I Want My Adopted Child to Know: An Adoptive Parent's Perspective, in softcover, hardcover, or e-book formats.
Sally Bacchetta
The Adoptive Parent
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