Things to do while you're waiting:
Begin now to live every day as if you will be snowed-in for a month starting tomorrow. Make sure you have at least a 30-day supply of coffee, chocolate, prescription medication, toiletries, and Purell.
Take time now to locate as many drive-through establishments as you can. I mean way beyond just a bank and fast food. Pharmacy, drycleaner, grocery store, gas station, car wash, post office, bakery, photo lab, oil change, coffee shop, church, AAA, video rental, library, cell phone repair... you will need every opportunity to conduct your life without getting out of the car.
Keep a journal. Those first special moments, the ones you’re sure you’ll remember for the rest of your life, will be crowded out by the next special moments, which will eventually give way to others, and so on... write it on a napkin, a diaper box, the mirror, a changing pad, anywhere. Just write it. Please.
Pray for the generosity of friends who cook.
Find a pediatrician. Little did we know that our daughter had to be seen within 48 hours of leaving the hospital!
Make a master spreadsheet of names, addresses and phone numbers to use for baby announcements and thank you cards.
Get your hair cut, your oil changed, and your teeth cleaned. Wash your windows, clean out your closets, shampoo your rugs. Read. Exercise. Talk on the phone. Once you bring your baby home, you won't have the opportunity or the energy to do any of that for a loooooooooooooooong time.
If you grow impatient waiting for a child to adopt, remember that God is finding exactly the right baby for you. When you bring your child home, you will be grateful that He took His time.
Sally Bacchetta
The Adoptive Parent
My Google Profile+
Sally Bacchetta's YouTube Channel
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