Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Final Call to Win Adoption Book - What I Want My Adopted Child to Know: An Adoptive Parent's Perspective

I've chosen the topic for my keynote address at the Parenthood for Me (PFM) Family Building Dinner on April 10th. It's going to be Birthparents: The Hidden Treasure of Adoption. Congratulations to Nancy S. for suggesting that topic and winning a signed copy of my !

It's interesting... most of the topics you all submitted - although diverse - contain some shade of the topic of birth parents and relationships with them. I'm really glad to find such strong interest in those relationships. 42 thanks going out to all of you who participated.

I haven't done the random draw yet, so you still have a chance to win a signed copy of What I Want My Adopted Child to Know: An Adoptive Parent's Perspective. If you already submitted a topic suggestion, your name has been entered once. I'll toss your name in the jar again for any of the following:

Sign up to follow my blog. (1 entry)

Refer someone else who signs up to follow my blog. (1 entry)

Tell me about your relationship with your own or your child's birthparents.
(2 entries)
For example, Do you have one? What difference does it make for your family? How does it benefit you or your child? (or if you don't have a relationship, what impact does this have?) Have your thoughts or feelings about birthparents in general and yours or your child's, specifically, changed over time? In what ways?

Let your child tell me, in their own words, about their relationship with their birthparents and what it means to them. (3 entries)

Buy a ticket for the PFM dinner or make a donation to (2 entries)

There is no limit to the number of times your name can be entered. This phase of the giveaway will be open until March 19th. Good luck!

I'm looking forward to hearing from you.

Purchase my here.

Sally Bacchetta
The Adoptive Parent
My Google Profile+


Anonymous said...

Interesting you assume that no adult adoptees read your blog or would wish to take part in this competition.

Heidi H. said...

Apparently, I'm more removed from current blogging formats than I thought - I read and enjoyed your blog... liked what I saw and felt a kindred spirit... but couldn't figure out how to join/subscribe!
Perhaps I can use exhaustion/sleep deprivation as my excuse! ;)

In answer to your query, we have a quite amazing relationship with our son's first mother and with his biological grandfather! Hopefully with time, our special extended family will broaden even more! We were able to spend time with her almost weekly during her pregnancy and love her dearly - like another sister... yet more than that! I used to worry about what we would call her, as she will continue to be involved in our lives -- the normal titles just didn't seem to do her justice.... I realized we are both "mother" or "mama", though the title will most likely be followed by her first name for her.... I recently had to defend this point at a baby shower - some of the attendees did not believe a birth mother retained the right to be called "mother" when she had given her child up! Such misperceptions are so disturbing!!!! Needless to say, I defended the use of the title of "mother" for one who loves so completely and selflessly, particularly that one that is near and dear to my own heart!
I love that our son will see her, know her, and know of the love she has for him!